Sunday 19 January 2014

Tasting Journey #59 - 金雞園


Located at the end of the infamous 永康街, this area is filled with nothing but restaurants that are filled with guests.  金雞園 was recommended by my food addict colleague. Unlike Ding Tai Feng, a world renown chain store for 小籠包 (steamed dumplings) for tourists, this place is the equivalent of Ding Tai Feng for locals.
Less all the luxurious interior decoration and the fancy wait-list SOP, the dumplings here are heaven and half the price.  Having tried Ding Tai Feng 3 times already, I have to say that I honestly prefer 金雞園 much more.  At Ding Tai Feng, the dumplings consists of meat broth that oozes and burns your lip when you bite into it; The dumplings here doesn't have as much broth but the meat is still juicy. Frankly speaking, I find the Ding Tai Feng broth quite greasy and a bit too much after having a few dumplings. Therefore, less juice is preferred for me.  In addition, the skin at 金雞園 is much thinner, and much preferred. What's even better, an entire meal will cost you next to nothing.
Make sure you make reservation or go early to get a seat.


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