Friday 4 April 2014

Tasting Journey #90 - 古早味豆花


Located next to the popular Ning Hsia Night Market, this place served traditional-style tofu dessert.  This place is recommended by a friend of mine from Taichung.  "recommmended" in the sense that she hasn't tried it before, but is recommended by a Japanese magazine.

The restaurant front is clean and tidy.  Service not so great.  Food-wise, it offers all the varieties that you would expect in a typical tofu dessert parlour.  I'm not a big fan of soy bean products, and therefore I can't say that I've had enough tofu dessert to really tell whether this is thumbs-up or thumbs-down.  Supposedly popular, the parlour is not busy at all. 

In a tranditional tofu dessert dish, the tofu slices are served with a sugar water.  This parlour however, offers the option of replacing the sugar water with soy bean milk.  I'm guessing this is an original dish, so I ordered it and added a taro ball topping to richen the flavour.  Finished the dish, and that was it.  Not eye-opening nor tongue twisting.  I'm inclined to assume that this is a parlour that is catered for Japanese tourists only.

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