Friday 18 April 2014

Tasting Journey #94 - 天津蔥抓餅


I first saw recommendations of this green onion pancake booth in a food program on TV.  The program was recommending the "chives with egg" flavoured green onion pancake option. Given that it is located in the 永康商圈, and that I oftentimes head to that area, I thought I must try it the next I stop by.

The first time I noticed the booth is because of the crazy line up.  Then every time after that, I was in that area for food, so I didn't have the stomach space nor time to line up... and finally, this time, I was at the right place, and at the right time! The line up took 20min and I bought myself an original green onion pancake.

Crispy and layers well-defined.  Rich in green onion flavour.  A definite pleasure to eat. Super affordable.

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